

Inspired by her personal experiences with nature, Sue Lovegrove’s paintings portray both the strength and fragility of the natural world. The wild and rugged landscape of Southern Tasmania where Sue lives – with the mountains, button grass plains and understory...
Small works 2014

Small works 2014

Painters, printmakers, sculptors, ceramicists and glass artists have created exquisite and often challenging small works for our annual exhibition.  Artists included are Nicole Ayliffe, Andrew Baldwin, Annette Blair, Alexander Boynes, Chris Denton, Anna Eggert,...


The inspiration for these works is sourced from the tidal flats in southern Tasmania and the salt lakes of northwestern Victoria. By inviting the natural elements of rain and wind into her studio she tracks her interaction with them, “leaving not so much a record of...


Belinda is a ceramicist and sculptor who explores the poetic notion of life within a form. A recurring theme of Belinda’s work is the relationship between forms “where curve almost meets curve, nearly, but not quite touching, creating a spatial tension, charged with...


Michael addresses psychological, environmental, spiritual and, sometimes, political issues in his prints. Living in remote bushland in southern Tasmania and experiencing nature and the elements on a daily basis inspires his work and influences his practice; working in...