On the horizon

On the horizon

Drawn to materials that are weathered and worn, Alex Asch reinterprets found objects in the construction of his unique sculptures presenting new ways to examine our environment. Discarded materials are favoured in his constructions as they reveal remnants of a past...
A grain of gold

A grain of gold

The organic forms and subtle tonal variations that occur in nature provide a rich source of inspiration for glass artist Holly Grace. Growing up in Western Australia, Holly was aware of nature’s beautiful but harsh reality, with the line between urban and natural...
Glyphs: homage to country

Glyphs: homage to country

“On a personal and allegorical level, these glyphs can be interpreted as saying something about each of us – our fragility and ageing, the struggle for survival and the sense of beauty in simply existing. When working, in many ways I lose conscious control over...
one three seven

one three seven

“one three seven” brings together the work of five highly respected and internationally recognised contemporary glass artists – Alexandra Chambers, Mel Douglas, Benjamin Edols & Kathy Elliott and Tom Rowney. There is an extraordinary depth of...
one three seven

one three seven

“one three seven” brings together the work of five highly respected and internationally recognised contemporary glass artists – Alexandra Chambers, Mel Douglas, Benjamin Edols & Kathy Elliott and Tom Rowney. There is an extraordinary depth of...
one three seven

one three seven

“one three seven” brings together the work of five highly respected and internationally recognised contemporary glass artists – Alexandra Chambers, Mel Douglas, Benjamin Edols & Kathy Elliott and Tom Rowney. There is an extraordinary depth of...